Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Nicki

Today you are 38. As birthday's come and go, often times we find ourselves trying to dismiss the idea of another year older. While that is custom for folks our age, I just want to say that I wish it was not so...You are just now beginning to blossom into the mature intelligent graceful woman God has called you to be...and I have never been more proud of you in my life of knowing you. I have seen you climb some very difficult hills and slide down some you have already crested.. but that is life I guess. You make me a very proud husband and father for the way you handle each day that is thrown at you. Tirelessly going to work and leaving your family behind despite your longing desire to stay home. You rarely complain and stay up all night and still you find time to be with your kids, bake some cakes and spend some time with me at lunch, the gym and the small errands we need to get done. You function on little to no sleep and for the most part keep a very cool and calm head. I am often inspired by the way you keep your self together all the while juggling all this..Let me also express how very proud I am of you for how well you have done with your weight loss and exercise training. You are relentless with the discipline you have displayed since Thanksgiving. I must say I am not really all that surprised at how well you have done but I am inspired to be sure. You reached a milestone just today reaching a weight you have not see in some years and I know that is fuel for continued hard work, sweat and toasted muscles.

I want you to know that I love you and cherish for who you are. I feel like the most privileged man on earth to be your husband and partner. I am so Thankful and grateful for God placing you in my life and nothing brings me more joy on this side of heaven than to be in your presence. You are my best friend and despite my many faults and misgivings, you stick by my side and you believe in me like no one ever has. I am blessed beyond measure and never want to take for granted the joy you have brought into my life thru your own person, our beautiful children and the soft spirit to which I see displayed often.

God Bless the broken road
that has led us both right here,
many days seemed like to much
but together we faced our fear

Smiles, laughter, accomplishments and joys
tear, sadness, disappointment and woes
both of which have shaped us profoundly
more than anyone really knows

Thru the various trials of life
we have been tossed around a bit
looking back on all those moments
has affirmed our perfect fit

By Gods own hands
You were made for me
I was once alone and in darkness
but now I am able to see

The endless wisdom of our maker
His hands have crafted just for me
A woman who captures the very essence
of what love was always meant to be

38 years ago this day
God brought you in this place
almost 20 years ago
He revealed your gorgeous face

You are my soul mate
One crafted ever so sweet
and Oh how His power reigns
the day He allowed us to meet

No words can ever express
my deepest and longing endeavor
that is to live my life
with you forever and ever !!

Happy Birthday my wonderful friend, partner, wife !! Print this post


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